
Over the course of my time on earth, I’ve had numerous experiences where I’ve felt the hand of God in my life. His tender mercies, miracles, and answers to prayers have been made manifest to me. I cannot deny these experiences.
Although the experiences I’ve had with God are very tender, personal, and some too sacred to share, I hope I’ve been able to capture my love and devotion to Him through my new album entitled “i am HIS“.
“i am HIS” is my first project geared to adults after twenty-eight wonderful years of performing and recording for children and families.
My performing and recording career began in 1993 while living in Bracebridge, Ontario, when a friend overheard me singing to my small children at bedtime. This friend (Ellen Yeo) and I began a delightful children’s entertainment company entitled “Jam Sandwich”. We released two children’s recordings together and performed at resorts throughout Muskoka. In 1995, after our family moved to Kingston, Ontario, my solo career was born. Eleven additional CDs, two DVDs and two children’s books were released. My career blossomed as I performed well over 3,500 shows at elementary schools, libraries and family focused events throughout Canada. In October, 2011, a move across the country landed us in Calmar, Alberta, where my husband and I currently reside as empty nesters to four children and eleven grandchildren (who are sprinkled across North America).
This new music chapter has been in the works for several years. While I am still performing for children and families, it has been so fulfilling to record an album of original songs,(plus one cover tune) created from personal experiences spanning the decades of my life. It is my hope that every person who’s life this music touches, feels the love of God, and if it’s been a while, reconnects. In addition to recording this new CD, I will be offering faith-based presentations for women’s organizations or community church groups featuring my songs, interspersed with personal stories and testimony. While “i am HIS” songs and presentations are oriented for all Christian sects and faith communities, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
One of my favourite things to do on a Sunday afternoon is to curl up and listen to soothing, inspirational music. If you choose to curl up and listen to“i am HIS”, it’s my hope that you feel the gentle stirrings of His spirit. I pray it connects each of us personally with our Saviour, who can give us hope, courage and unconditional love. I’m forever grateful to know that “i am HIS”.
Mary Lambert