
SHE by Mary Lambert

When I first heard the song SHE, written and recorded by Cherie Call, it resonated so much with me.  I had four children at home at the time and was trying to hold everything together.  Wife, mother, self-employed children’s musical performer/recording artist, volunteer at church, volunteer in the school community, etc., etc.  

Early in my career when things began to take off, I realized I could be away from home and family touring a lot.  At this point in our lives I  knew I needed to be working part-time, so I decided to continue performing and doing what I love, but was careful to balance things.  Touring away from home extensively would take a backseat to what was more important to me. This was my choice and I’m really glad I made that decision when my kids were little.  Being focused on raising our kids wasn’t easy or glamorous, but it has been fulfilling and I have no regrets.  I’m grateful for the good and loving relationship I have with each of our children who now have families of their own. 

I’ve learned SO much from raising children, from this sacred thing called Motherhood. I’ve also learned SO much from my own mother.

I come from a long line of strong women.  The music video SHE is a tribute to one of the strongest I know, my mom, Evelyn Mary Thompson.

SHE was born in 1934, the eldest daughter in her family.  

SHE was married at the age of 17, a young woman.

SHE gave birth to her first child at the age of 19, and her last at the age of 43.  Five boys and then three girls came along.  With the exception of the first 19 years of her life, SHE’s spent her entire life raising children and grandchildren.

SHE was a stay-at-home mom and we have been her absolute priority. 

SHE has sacrificed her life for us.  We know she was smart enough and determined enough that she could have been the CEO of any company, but we were blessed to have her complete focus and love.  

SHE was blessed to have a husband who was able to provide a good income and they both worked hard to make it work.  It was not easy. It was downright messy at times.  But, SHE stayed.  SHE persevered.  SHE helped create a beautiful family with her tenacity, strong will, endurance and love.  Her God has smiled down upon her and helped her in the raising of her family and also helped her realize SHE is also a child of God. 

SHE lost her husband suddenly in an ATV accident in 2010.  SHE was married just short of 60 years.

In this music video SHE, you will see footage at the end of mom swinging on a swing.  SHE is 89 years old, swinging on a swing! 

These days SHE is surrounded by her family constantly and the love SHE has shown us comes back to her. SHE is still full of vim and vinegar. SHE will leave a lasting legacy when she returns to her God and her husband one day.  But, for now, we pay tribute to our mom.

Thank you mom.  We love you.

“The best that you and I can ever hope to be, is as wonderful as…..SHE”

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